In Winter 2014 Journal Issue...

My Voice, By Cristy Rein

Twenty Minute Mulies! By Mickey Bellman

Wolf Controversy, By Randy Bock

Wyden's O&C Legislation, By Tom Partin, American Forest Resource Council

Just A Wal In The Woods, By Mickey Bellman

Newton's Paradox: Why Fish Prefer Clearcuts Over Streamside Buffers, By Dr. Bob Zybach, PhD

Brian Donne's 40# Chinook Eco-Terror Accurately Describes Ideology-Driven Destruction, By Dave Dillion, Oregon Farm Bureau

Why I'm So Tired! Saving The Earth Pays Well! 2013 Fire Season, A Constant Balancing Act, From The Oregon Department of Forestry

To order past issues of Oregon Fish & Wildlife Journal, please contact us.

2014 Winter Journal

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