Winter Issue 2019 Table of Contents:

My Voice... By Cristy Rein

To Rope A Bull Elk... By Cam Ghost-keeper

Wolf De-Listing Passes House... By John Myers

Ticks Really Tick Me Off... By Mickey Bellman

Help California Rebuild By Managing Our Forests... By Dr. Bob Zybach

Abolition of the “WOTUS” Rule Means Less Burden For Rural America... By Representative Greg Walden

A Deer By Any Other Name... By Devon Monk

Call To Action... By Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities

Trouble In Paradise: Why This Fire Should Not Have Taken Place... By Dr. Bob Zybach

How To Fish For Steelhead... By Bill Palmroth

Basal Area and Forest Health We Can’t Have Our Cake and Eat It Too... By Dick Powell

Cause Of California Wildfires

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2019 Winter Journal

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