Winter Issue 2023 Table of Contents:

My Voice... By Cristy Rein

BLM Wilderness Areas May Be Less Accessible To The Public Soon... By Pam Lewison, Director, Washington Policy Center

Proposed BLM Rule Upends Multiple Use of Public Lands... Healthy Forests Healthy Communities

In The Long Shadows Of My Mind... By Cam Ghostkeeper

Endangered Species Act: Moving Foward or Treading Water?... By Rep. Dan Newhouse and Karen Budd-Falen

Off-Season Hunting... By Ray G. Foster

Rep. Ryan Zinke Rips Into Politicians Complaining About Smoke in DC

Eagle Creek Trout... By Bill Palmroth

Oregon Department of Forestry’s Habitat Conservation Plan... By Jennifer Hamaker

Each of Us Use The Equivalent of A 100 Foot Every Year!

US House Panel Investigates Ties Between US Interior Secretary and Environmentalists

Oregon’s Seafood Industry Is Under Attack

Another Look AT The Administration’s Old Growth Forest Report... By Jim Peterson, Evergreen Magazine

2023 Summer Journal

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