Spring Issue 2022 Table of Contents:

My Voice... BY Cristy Rein

Lie Dectector Test To Governor Brown State of The State Speech... From Oregon Catalyst

Governor Gianforte: Montana Will Not Participate In Biden’s “30 By 30” Initiative... From Montana’s Governor’s Office

Neckshooter? Nevermore!... By Mickey Bellman

Saving The Forests By Cutting Them?... By Greg Walcher

Wolves Re-listed in Western Oregon... By Mike Totey, OHA

Oregon Pronghorn... By Jerry Oakes

Radical Environmentalism Poses Grave Threat To True Conservative Efforts... Gabriella Hoffman

Potential Forest Sector Carbon Solutions... From Oregon Forest Resource Institute

Global Warming and Oregon Wildfires, Part II: History Repeats Itself, Again... By Bob Zybach, Ph.D

Two Views: Logging and Carbon... From Healthy Forests Healthy Communities

Award Winners Announced: Worst Scandals, Politicians, Waste of 2021... From Taxpayers Association of Oregon

2022 Spring Journal

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