In Summer 2017 Journal Issue...

My Voice, By Cristy Rein

Shad For All Ages, By G.I. Wilson

US Government Fines Farmer $2.8 Million, By Steve Byas This is our West

The Revelation, By Mickey Bellman

Information Sought On Grizzly Bear Shooting West of Whitefish, Montana, By U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Make Your Voices Herd! National Monument/Antiquities Act Review, By Travis Joseph, American Forest Resource Council

Elliott State Forest Update NO DEAL!, By Dr. Bob Zybach

Fishing Adventures, Walleye!, By Jeff Plew

2017 Total Solar Eclipse Viewing Tips, By US Department of Interior

Excessive Litigation Negatively Impacts Forest Health, By The House Committee On Natural Resources

To order past issues of Oregon Fish & Wildlife Journal, please contact us.

2017 Summer Journal

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